Hello, friends, family and anyone else who may need cancer support. We would like to extend our sincere love and hope for your well being and we offer many things that can help you. Support can be found on our links page of the website. (FCNA-MH.org) As the webmaster of our web page and this blog, I just want to let you know that I will be updating our blog as soon as I get new news or information you can use. Photography is my hobby and FCNA-MH give me lots of opportunities to take pictures. The photo above was taken at our first Survivors Night Celebration. Survivors and caregivers both, along with FCNA-MH volunteers attended. Fun was had by all and we had an anointing of oil by our Priest Fr. Salen and Deacon Rey Arellano as well as two of our survivors and their spouses gave their testimonials. The survivors are in the front row but there are some also standing. Most in the back are the volunteers. I will be giving you more information about us soon. Please have a great weekend, this week ending 07/16/2010. Don Vega